Automotive Direct Mail how it works
Direct mail used to be one of the most utilized forms of advertising only a couple of decades ago. However, with the internet becoming so well accepted and so many large companies shifting significant portions of their advertising budgets to it, this type of marketing has seen a decrease in its popularity.
That is of course unfortunate, because when direct mailers are designed properly and delivered to a targeted audience there are very few kinds of advertising that can drive sales or cash flow quicker. The problem most companies face when they consider using this type of advertising is that they do not possess the necessary in-house expertise to do it in a cost effective manner.
When a typical person takes the mail out of their mailbox they normally only quickly glace at each piece that they receive. In order for a direct mailer to be successful, you really have less than one second to grab the reader's attention and get them interested in what you are promoting.
If you are able to peak a person's interest, then you really only have a couple of seconds to get them to read the entire mailer so that they can understand the deal you are offering. If you are able to accomplish the first two steps in the process, the third and final one is to have the reader take an action that produces a sale.
The desired response could be visiting a retail outlet, making a telephone call, looking over a website, or filling out some kind of form. If all of that is starting to sound a little confusing and complex, that is the exact reason so many firms do not make money when they use direct mail as a form of marketing.
In order to effectively utilize this type of marketing it is essential that you work with an expert that has a great deal of experience and knows what works, and what doesn't. Below are a few examples of different types of direct mailers that have proven overtime to be ultra successful if they are planned and executed to perfection.
Pre-Approval Mailers - These types of mailers are usually associated with some kind of financing deal, which could be a mortgage to buy a home, a loan for a new or used car, or a credit card. Other than their most popular uses, they can also be utilized by home improvement companies for additions or specialty items like air-conditioners, as well as for all kinds of other promotional activities that "Assured Acceptance" will get a person to generate a response.
The key to being successful with pre-approved mailers is efficiently targeting your market. Some of the ways to accomplish that is by sending them out to individuals that have a desirable credit score, are close to paying off a loan, or is in a certain income bracket.
When you attempt to target a specific audience you will need to get their names and address from somewhere. Typically this is done by purchasing a list of some kind. Presently, there are many different organizations that sell these types of directories and just like about anything else in life, some are far more useful than others.
Selecting the correct company to purchase your lists from is often the difference between success and failure. This is certainly another area where a highly skilled direct mail specialist can be extremely helpful to a company that does not possess the internal capabilities to perform this function.
Bankruptcy Mailers - Believe this or not, these types of mailers have a very high response rate, which can be up to 2%. After all, if you are able to efficiently target this group these people have nothing to lose and are usually looking for a very quick way out of their present predicament.
Thankfully, our nation's housing crisis is winding down now. But, that does not mean that there are not 100,000's a people that are still in danger of losing their homes if they do not take action to rectify the situation in a timely fashion. If you are in the real estate business or you are a speculator, then not using this form of marketing is causing you to miss out on many fantastic money making opportunities.
Buy Back Mailers - These types of mailers are usually used in the automotive industry and specifically target people whose cars are getting a little old or are close to paying off their loan. Somewhere around 90% of the people that receive these types of mailers open them and look over the offer. That of course means, whenever you are able to get your hands on a great promotion offered by the automobile manufacturer that your firm represents, these types mailers are known to produce fantastic results.
Event Mailers - These types of mailers can be used by any industry to promote a specific function your firm is sponsoring. If you run a retail store that is going to have a special guest put on a live performance or maybe a presentation or class of some kind, using event mailers to spread the word works exceptionally well.
Many large shopping malls use these types of mailers to publicize Christmas or back to school specials. Event mailers are also becoming very popular with regional casinos that use them to announce a big time show they are putting on.
When it comes to events that are specifically trying to make sales and generate income, today there are companies that have highly trained sales personnel that do nothing but travel around the country from event to event. These firms and their employees are absolutely great at what they do and it is not unheard of for them to sell twice as much or more merchandise when compared to a firm's regular sales staff at well attended events.
Postcard Mailers - These types of mailers are very inexpensive and are used primarily to target geographic areas, like specific zip codes. They can be used by virtually any type of business and the postcards come in various sizes. Because they are postcards, most people do take the time to look them over and since they are so cheap, it does not take too much of a response for them to turn out to be a real good money makers.
Service Mailers - Any company that provides a service should be using this type of marketing to increase their cliental. They are especially effective for companies that acquire customers that will regularly use their service. An example of these types of businesses would be pool cleaners, window washers, gardeners, cleaning services, or just about any other business that has customers who pay them month after month.
Many automotive dealers use them to promote things like oil changes, tune-ups, or break jobs. They do this because they know that if they can get a customer into their shop for the small jobs, there is a very strong likelihood that when that person needs a major repair, they will return to their dealership to have it done.
Seasonal Mailers - There are so many different ways to use seasonal mailers, that the list is virtually endless. It really all comes down to what type of business you are in. If you are a tax preparer, then you know that most of your income is generated in the tax season and if you want to significantly increase your revenue, then using these types of mailers should be able to do it for you.
Restaurants or specialty delicatessen that do large volumes catering specific times of the year like Thanksgiving or Christmas should defiantly be using this form of marketing. Businesses like flower shops, party baskets, or candy stores will see a huge jump in their income when Valentine's day rolls around if they use this type of advertising.
If you run a retail store and you regular put on seasonal sales to get rid of old stock or to promote new merchandise, nothing will increase your traffic flow like these mailers.
Direct mail marketing is almost becoming a lost art form. If your firm has completely abandoned it and has turned all of your attention towards the internet because you believe that you can target your potential client's more effectively there, that is simply not true. In fact, Google recently released a report stating that a portion of the companies that pay for advertising with them never even have their ads seen.
Direct mailers have quite a few advantages that few other types of advertising can top. First, they are able to specifically target a demographic group or location. Second, there really is nothing that you can use that will drive revenue and cash flow as quickly or cost effectively as this type of advertising.
If your company would like to start using direct mailers but are really not exactly sure how to proceed, there are a couple of firms out there today that you can hire who are experts when it comes to this form of marketing. Please do yourself a favor if you do decide you want to give direct mailers a try, and consult with a professional before you start your marketing program.www.bigtimepromos,com
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Find out how to make your next direct mail campaign a big winner.
Using the Mail as a Marketing Tool Requires Knowledge and Experience
Twenty, thirty, or forty years ago you can send out just about anything that you wanted in the mail and the money would just come rolling in. Sorry to say, it does not work that way anymore. The consumer has become much more sophisticated, and if you want your direct mail marketing campaigns to be financially successful, you really need to know what you are doing.
One of the first things that a direct mail campaign must accomplish is understanding their target audience and know how to get them to act on impulse. Unfortunately, most people only glance at their mail monetarily and you have to get their attention immediately, if you want them to initiate an action.
One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by using pre-approval mailers. Some of the products or services that can be promoted this way are credit cards, payday loans, or financing for furniture or automobiles. If your firm has been using this system but not achieving the results that you desire, there are companies that specialize in Automotive Direct Mail campaigns that you might find useful.
Another thing that you can do to improve your results is targeting a specific demographic group, rather than just bulk mailing a zip code or city. Today, it is possible to send mail to only females, males, car owners, home owners, income brackets, and just about any other category that you desire.
In order to do that, you will need a list of some kind. There are all kinds of companies that you can use to purchase these types of lists. However, just like anything else in life, some firm's lists are much better than their competitors. That being said, how is a company that is new to the direct mail business supposed to know which lists they should use, and which ones to avoid. Thankfully, there are firms that specialize in providing advice to mail marketers that can be a tremendous benefit in this area.
One of the biggest mistakes companies make when they conduct a mailing campaign, is not designing their material in such a way that it is going instantly to catch the reader's eye. As we mentioned previously, your material usually has less than one second to make an impression, or it is going to end up in the garbage.
Thankfully, there are a few direct mail marketing companies that have been in this industry for a very long time that know what works, and what does not work. When you take into consideration your printing and mailing cost, not being 100% certain that your marketing efforts are going to be economically successful, it is just not a good way to do business.
If your company utilizes direct mail, you might want to consider employing an Auto Mailing Service firm that has helped 100's of organization in the past get their point across profitably. After all, this type of advertising and marketing is not an inexpensive proposition and doing everything possible to ensure its success, is Business 101.
Have your companies direct mail campaigns not been doing too well lately, if so Automotive Direct Mail or Auto Mailing Service just might be the solution you have been looking for.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
About Us - Big Time Promos
Located in Canton, GA Big Time Promos, Inc. is one of the fastest growing companies in the automotive marketing industry and one of the main reasons is we believe in bringing YOUR dealership MORE qualified leads for LESS! While our sales office is located in Georgia we have several print houses strategically placed in various locations across the country to better serve all our dealers nationwide. We specialize in lead generation for your secondary / sub-prime department but we have many different mail campaign designs for all the different departments of your dealership to choose from including: Bankruptcy Mailers, Buy Back Mailers, Custom Mailers, Credit Card Mailers, Event Mailers, Gift Card Mailers, Hispanic Mailers, Key Mailers, Postcard Mailers, Pre-Approval Mailers, Saturation Mailers, Scratch Off Mailers, Seasonal Mailers, Service Mailers, Shared Mailers, and Snap Apart Mailers.
The booming popularity of direct to consumer marketing via mail continues unabated for one simple reason, it works. And it works especially well for auto dealers. With that in mind, let’s cut to the chase and talk about how and why it might be what a dealer seeking to move a lot of iron in a hurry without holding a “fire sale” might benefit.
First thing to consider, of course, are list, content of the piece, and attendant in-house execution required to make that particular event a success. Without all three a dealer is basically throwing his money into a black hole. Let’s take a look at the “niche” venue. Niche, implies a slice. A slice could be a particular piece of the market that a dealer wants to address. One of the biggest and most profitable is the credit market. By far, the most widely used method to access that market is the beacon score list. Depending on the strength of your finance department, you might want to consider manipulating the beacon score numbers. Generally, the lower beacon score, the higher the response, but there is also a higher degree of difficulty as to getting the deal done. This is where a company like Big Time Promos shines. Founded and ran by ex-finance directors who ran incredible numbers in a tough market, they offer a helping hand every step of the way. They will lend advice, connections, and tips on getting the secondary or low primary deals structured, handled and funded. Big Time Promos will provide scripts for your salesmen, monitor the finance personnel, set up strong buyers and major lending institutions and structure the deals for quick and highly profitable approval. These folks are also experts on knowing exactly when and where to mail. For instance, they may select a list of prospects that are already in a loan situation with a 50% to 80% paid profile, or they might go another route and pick a list with a pre-determined “high credit” number and no derogs within a certain period. Using these techniques and more Big Time Promos is professional at accessing just the right group at just the right time and communicating with your people to insure a dynamite result every time.
Other niches Big Time Promos are tuned in to are the booming Spanish market, the specialty vehicle market (exotics, sports cars, custom vehicles), and particularly pre-owned. One extremely successful method has been using the dealer’s data base for a non-advertised customer appreciation event combing an initial invitation phone call and then an on-going promotional phone call while the sale is going on. Combining these two approaches has resulted in an incredible turn out, eight to ten percent is not uncommon, with sold to the asphalt type results. The best news is that the cost is virtually the same as standard mail blasts.
The other lists that Big Time Promos targets, are more bread based, such as demographic based on zip codes, income, or vehicle registration. With the rising costs of mailing, Big Time Promos has come up with a very innovative and dynamic approach to keeping the costs low. They have worked with the absolute best marketing firms in America to come up with the next, “hot” new thing: volume-based, professional and extremely slick four sided saturation mailers. These mailers are attractive beyond a dealer’s imagination and are extremely effective at grabbing the attention of the recipient. They are almost guaranteed to be opened immediately and read cover to cover.
Many, many dealers are booming and profitable as never before in the midst of a very challenging market. A huge number of these astute businessmen are using the unprecedented professionalism and expertise of Big Time Promos. These guys are not printers who mail for a sideline, they are world famous auto guys who have a passion for selling cars. After one sale with Big Time Promos you’ll never look at direct mail marketing the same way again.
First thing to consider, of course, are list, content of the piece, and attendant in-house execution required to make that particular event a success. Without all three a dealer is basically throwing his money into a black hole. Let’s take a look at the “niche” venue. Niche, implies a slice. A slice could be a particular piece of the market that a dealer wants to address. One of the biggest and most profitable is the credit market. By far, the most widely used method to access that market is the beacon score list. Depending on the strength of your finance department, you might want to consider manipulating the beacon score numbers. Generally, the lower beacon score, the higher the response, but there is also a higher degree of difficulty as to getting the deal done. This is where a company like Big Time Promos shines. Founded and ran by ex-finance directors who ran incredible numbers in a tough market, they offer a helping hand every step of the way. They will lend advice, connections, and tips on getting the secondary or low primary deals structured, handled and funded. Big Time Promos will provide scripts for your salesmen, monitor the finance personnel, set up strong buyers and major lending institutions and structure the deals for quick and highly profitable approval. These folks are also experts on knowing exactly when and where to mail. For instance, they may select a list of prospects that are already in a loan situation with a 50% to 80% paid profile, or they might go another route and pick a list with a pre-determined “high credit” number and no derogs within a certain period. Using these techniques and more Big Time Promos is professional at accessing just the right group at just the right time and communicating with your people to insure a dynamite result every time.
Other niches Big Time Promos are tuned in to are the booming Spanish market, the specialty vehicle market (exotics, sports cars, custom vehicles), and particularly pre-owned. One extremely successful method has been using the dealer’s data base for a non-advertised customer appreciation event combing an initial invitation phone call and then an on-going promotional phone call while the sale is going on. Combining these two approaches has resulted in an incredible turn out, eight to ten percent is not uncommon, with sold to the asphalt type results. The best news is that the cost is virtually the same as standard mail blasts.
The other lists that Big Time Promos targets, are more bread based, such as demographic based on zip codes, income, or vehicle registration. With the rising costs of mailing, Big Time Promos has come up with a very innovative and dynamic approach to keeping the costs low. They have worked with the absolute best marketing firms in America to come up with the next, “hot” new thing: volume-based, professional and extremely slick four sided saturation mailers. These mailers are attractive beyond a dealer’s imagination and are extremely effective at grabbing the attention of the recipient. They are almost guaranteed to be opened immediately and read cover to cover.
Many, many dealers are booming and profitable as never before in the midst of a very challenging market. A huge number of these astute businessmen are using the unprecedented professionalism and expertise of Big Time Promos. These guys are not printers who mail for a sideline, they are world famous auto guys who have a passion for selling cars. After one sale with Big Time Promos you’ll never look at direct mail marketing the same way again.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Why car dealerships should use automotive direct mail for marketing
Having a well thought out and organized marketing strategy is key for any business, after all, if you are not working on your marketing plan, how will you be able to attract customers to buy your products or services? Within in the field of marketing there are a number of different styles including inbound marketing and outbound marketing.
One style of marketing that was quite popular in the past and is making a comeback with many marketing managers is direct mail. A well targeted direct mail campaign can often succeed where other methods such as email marketing or television advertising has not. And, this type of marketing converts as well, it takes potential customers and turns them into paying customers, and potentially, customers for life.
One particular industry where direct mail has seen a lot of success is with the automotive industry. People all over the United States need cars, and every single day, potential customers are car shopping, and purchasing new cars. This leaves open a massive potential market for the automotive industry, and direct mail is the perfect place to start.
What is so beneficial about the concept of Automotive Direct Mail is that it offers a lot of bang for your buck. There are a number of different car sales events each calendar year, the Fourth of July would be one example, and President's Day Weekend would be another. An automotive direct mail campaign is going to be able to specifically target customers who are in need of a new car at just the right time, attracting their attention, and getting them interested in looking for a new car at the local dealership.
What's more, is that with the market research that can be done today, automotive dealerships are going to be able to know exactly what kind of car a past or potential customer is going to be in the market for, and aim specific ads directly to their needs. A customer who has leased a new pick up truck every few years will be able to have a direct mail flier sent to them just a few months before the lease on the truck runs out.
In addition to sales fliers, automotive direct mail can also be used to send out promotions to loyal customers. A customer who has purchased their car at a dealership can be sent a couple of coupons for discounts on oil changes or tire rotations from the dealer. This is going to continuously remind the customer that the dealership considers them more than just a number, and is paying attention to their needs.
By running an effective automotive direct mail campaign, a car dealership is going to be able to see first hand the process of the sales funnel. Targeting specific clients and particular times to meet their potential needs will act as a catalyst in turning these potential clients into full time customers. And with continued promotion, sales events, buy back and service fliers and mailers, there are a number of options that are going to be able to bring in new business successfully.
To learn more information about Automotive Direct Mail and how Big Time Promoscan work for with business, please visit
What is so beneficial about the concept of automotive direct mail is that it offers a lot of bang for your buck targeting customers directly to meet their needs.
Having a well thought out and organized marketing strategy is key for any business, after all, if you are not working on your marketing plan, how will you be able to attract customers to buy your products or services? Within in the field of marketing there are a number of different styles including inbound marketing and outbound marketing.
One style of marketing that was quite popular in the past and is making a comeback with many marketing managers is direct mail. A well targeted direct mail campaign can often succeed where other methods such as email marketing or television advertising has not. And, this type of marketing converts as well, it takes potential customers and turns them into paying customers, and potentially, customers for life.
One particular industry where direct mail has seen a lot of success is with the automotive industry. People all over the United States need cars, and every single day, potential customers are car shopping, and purchasing new cars. This leaves open a massive potential market for the automotive industry, and direct mail is the perfect place to start.
What is so beneficial about the concept of Automotive Direct Mail is that it offers a lot of bang for your buck. There are a number of different car sales events each calendar year, the Fourth of July would be one example, and President's Day Weekend would be another. An automotive direct mail campaign is going to be able to specifically target customers who are in need of a new car at just the right time, attracting their attention, and getting them interested in looking for a new car at the local dealership.
What's more, is that with the market research that can be done today, automotive dealerships are going to be able to know exactly what kind of car a past or potential customer is going to be in the market for, and aim specific ads directly to their needs. A customer who has leased a new pick up truck every few years will be able to have a direct mail flier sent to them just a few months before the lease on the truck runs out.
In addition to sales fliers, automotive direct mail can also be used to send out promotions to loyal customers. A customer who has purchased their car at a dealership can be sent a couple of coupons for discounts on oil changes or tire rotations from the dealer. This is going to continuously remind the customer that the dealership considers them more than just a number, and is paying attention to their needs.
By running an effective automotive direct mail campaign, a car dealership is going to be able to see first hand the process of the sales funnel. Targeting specific clients and particular times to meet their potential needs will act as a catalyst in turning these potential clients into full time customers. And with continued promotion, sales events, buy back and service fliers and mailers, there are a number of options that are going to be able to bring in new business successfully.
To learn more information about Automotive Direct Mail and how Big Time Promoscan work for with business, please visit
What is so beneficial about the concept of automotive direct mail is that it offers a lot of bang for your buck targeting customers directly to meet their needs.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Using Direct Mail as a Marketing Tool Requires Knowledge and Experience
Using Direct Mail as a Marketing Tool Requires Knowledge and Experience
Twenty, thirty, or forty years ago you can send out just about anything that you wanted in the mail and the money would just come rolling in. Sorry to say, it does not work that way anymore. The consumer has become much more sophisticated, and if you want your direct mail marketing campaigns to be financially successful, you really need to know what you are doing. One of the first things that a direct mail campaign must accomplish is understanding their target audience and know how to get them to act on impulse. Unfortunately, most people only glance at their mail monetarily and you have to get their attention immediately, if you want them to initiate an action. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by using pre-approval mailers. Some of the products or services that can be promoted this way are credit cards, payday loans, or financing for furniture or automobiles. If your firm has been using this system but not achieving the results that you desire, there are companies that specialize in Automotive Direct Mail campaigns that you might find useful. Another thing that you can do to improve your results is targeting a specific demographic group, rather than just bulk mailing a zip code or city. Today, it is possible to send mail to only females, males, car owners, home owners, income brackets, and just about any other category that you desire. In order to do that, you will need a list of some kind. There are all kinds of companies that you can use to purchase these types of lists. However, just like anything else in life, some firm's lists are much better than their competitors. That being said, how is a company that is new to the direct mail business supposed to know which lists they should use, and which ones to avoid. Thankfully, there are firms that specialize in providing advice to mail marketers that can be a tremendous benefit in this area. One of the biggest mistakes companies make when they conduct a mailing campaign, is not designing their material in such a way that it is going instantly to catch the reader's eye. As we mentioned previously, your material usually has less than one second to make an impression, or it is going to end up in the garbage. Thankfully, there are a few direct mail marketing companies that have been in this industry for a very long time that know what works, and what does not work. When you take into consideration your printing and mailing cost, not being 100% certain that your marketing efforts are going to be economically successful, it is just not a good way to do business. If your company utilizes direct mail, you might want to consider employing an Auto Mailing Service firm that has helped 100's of organization in the past get their point across profitably. After all, this type of advertising and marketing is not an inexpensive proposition and doing everything possible to ensure its success, is Business 101. |
Have your companies direct mail campaigns not been doing too well lately, if so Automotive Direct Mail or Auto Mailing Service just might be the solution you have been looking for. |
Find out how to make your next direct mail campaign a big winner. |
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